Hot Chaga tea

  • Glass is recommended for the kettle. You can see the color of the Chaga. And the Chaga tea will be the soft and mellow taste.
  • RO water or soft water is recommended. RO water is water produced by a reverse osmosis membrane water purifier. It is pure water with impurities removed. You can simmer Chaga thickly with RO water. If you make Chaga tea in hard water including a lot of minerals, it will have a thin, hard and gritty taste.


  • Water 500ml
  • Chaga 2 g 1 pack

How to cook

Cooking time:7 minutes ( Preparation:1 minutes | Cooking:6 minutes )
  • Prepare Chaga RETHÉ1pack and 500 cc water.
  • Boil 500 cc of water. Then put 1 pack of Chaga into the water. Boil it for 5 minutes on medium heat.
  • Turn the heat off and soak Chaga for 1 minutes covering by towel to keep warm. The nutritional ingredients of Chaga will slowly dissolve.Then enjoy the delicious mellow Chaga tea.