Chaga tea "RETHÉ "
2g x 30 packets 4,644 JPY (tax included)
Chaga tea finalized by our original method using a patented manufacturing method so that we can fully absorb Chaga's vitality, the blessing of nature. You can make 500 ml of Chaga tea per packet.
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review 4.9⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
How to drink Chaga "RETHÉ"

Chaga tea "RETHÉ" is recommended for these people
- I like sweets
- I want to go on a diet
- I want to stick to taste and quality
- I want to stay healthy forever
- I want to continue without difficulty
- I want to improve immune function
- I am suffering from allergic symptoms such as hay fever
- I want to prevent / improve constipation
- I want to drink without worrying about it during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Product name | RETHÉ |
Ingredient | Chaga Chopped (Russia), Chaga Extract Powder, Chaga Cell Wall Breaking Powder/Calcined Calcium |
Contents | 60g (2g x 30 packets) |
How to save | Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight and high temperature and humidity. Please consume immediately after opening. |
expiration date | 2 years (from date of manufacture) |
Manufacturing method patent | No. 2526185 |
residual pesticides | 450 items were tested for all lots at the Japan Food Analysis Center, a domestic inspection agency. All were not detected. |
Radioactivity test | All lots are tested for radioactivity by the Japan Food Analysis Center, a domestic inspection agency, and safety has been confirmed. |
heavy metal test | All lots are tested for heavy metals by the Japan Food Analysis Center, a domestic testing agency, and safety has been confirmed. |
Energy | 0kcal |
Protein | 0g |
Lipids | 0g |
Carbonhydrates | 0g |
Sale equivalent | 0g |
The value is extracted with 500ml for 2g of one package.
Payment method | We accept cash on delivery, credit card, Paypay, carrier payment, and payment at convenience stores. |
Shipping method | Delivery by shipping company |
Shipping cost | Free shipping on all Koumei purchases, including bundles. For RETHÉ only, shipping is a flat rate of 430 yen for 1 piece, 860 yen for 2 pieces, and free shipping for 3 or more pieces. |
Product delivery time | We will ship within 1 week after your order. However, if it is out of stock, we will contact you, confirm it, and ship it after it arrives. |
Click here for details on the benefits and ingredients of Chaga
Commitment to safety and security
At Rejuvenation, we regularly conduct radioactivity tests, tests for 450 types of pesticides, and heavy metal tests to ensure our customers can enjoy our products with peace of mind, ensuring that product safety is our top priority. Doing. We also regularly publish the results of "radiation tests," "tests for 450 types of pesticides," and "heavy metal tests." *Research by Japan Food Research Center (radiation testing, testing of 450 types of pesticides, testing of heavy metals, etc.)
Click here for a list of analysis test results for chaga tea RETHÉ.
RETHÉ is an original blend of chaga tea
RETHÉ is a unique blend of chopped, cell wall destroying and extracts to bring out the best in each ingredient. In addition to the basic ingredients of Chaga tea, this original blend of Chaga has a good combination of nutrients trapped in the cell walls and high SOD enzymes that can be used in the extracts. And because Chaga's cell wall destroying powder uses a process patent, it is a special product that is impossible for other companies to imitate, even if they try to imitate it.
Chaga Extract
The ingredients in RETHÉ include something called "Chaga Extract Powder". By extract, you mean a thick liquid? Powder? What's it like? This is the answer to the question.
Ex is short for extract
First of all, the word extract stands for extract. It is a concentrated version of something that has been extracted with water or ethanol. Since it is concentrated, the ingredients are very thick.
Chaga extract powder used in RETHÉ
What we use in RETHÉ is chaga extract powder. The active ingredients are extracted from the nucleus of the mycorrhizal fungus of the chaga, which is then spray-dried and processed into an extract. The mycorrhiza is a mass of the tertiary mycelium, which is formed separately from the fruit body and stores nutrients.... It's difficult to understand. Let's rephrase it in a simpler way.
The fruit body is the so-called mushroom-shaped part. If you can imagine a shiitake or a shimeji mushroom as an eating place, it is the fruit body. And the nucleus is the hard part on the right side of this picture.
To put it simply, it is a mushroom, but not the mushroom-shaped part, the hard part where nutrients are stored is the mycorrhiza. At RETHÉ, we have mixed the active ingredients from the nucleus of the fungus in hot water and dried them to make a powder of chaga extract, which allows you to absorb all the nutrients of the chaga.
Winner of the Monde Selection 2023 Silver Award

Monde Selection
Monde Selection certifies the quality of our products. Since 1961, Monde Selection has evaluated the quality of consumer products around the world, with 80 international experts conducting a 360 ° quality evaluation in a completely independent manner. Each product is individually sampled and tested for a number of carefully selected parameters according to product category and consumer expectations. The tests are sensory, scientific and legal, depending on the type of product.

Monde Selection's original approach
Monde Selection, unlike other contests and competitions, does not compare each product to any other product in its category. Monde Selection experts evaluate the intrinsic quality of each product as a whole, according to very accurate and highly diverse criteria.

Manami K
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️リテチャーガは毎日いただける無添加100%のお茶とゆうことで、妊娠中でも安心して飲んでいます。 自然な味で嫌味がなく、スッと入ってきます。 飲んでいるのを母に伝えると、出がらしが欲しいと言ってきました。植木の土にしたいとのこと。 そんな使い方もあるのかーと、他の方のクチコミを見てみると実際にされてる方もいたので植木をいじられる方の間では有名なのかな? 人に良いものは土にも良い^ - ^ リジュベネーションさんは製造や安全検査にもこだわられているので、本当に安心して飲むことができるのでおすすめです⭐︎

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️2年間、飲み続けても飽きないです。 癖がなく飲みやすいから。 4才の子供にもリテを飲まし続けていたら、他の飲み物を出すと口から吐き出します。 ジュースや、他のお茶は味が変だと言います。 味覚が、はっきり感じる様で添加物が子供でもわかる様になってます。 リテって、凄いです! ありがとうございます。

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️飲み物を、水、ジュース、からリテチャーガだけにかえました。 1か月で、3キロも痩せました!! 体重計にのった時に、ビックリ! しました!! これ、続けたら目標体重まで後2キロ減もまもなく!!楽しみ〜

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️リテと他のチャーガ茶との違い✨ 抗酸化作用があるので、甘い物が好きな私は甘いものを食べてもリテを一緒に摂ると糖分50%カットしてくれるので嬉しい効能です☺ 癖のない味なので、コーヒーに混ぜたり、お味噌汁に混ぜたりして料理にも使っています。

A sami

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️リテを飲み始めてまだ数週間ですが、身体の調子が整ってきている実感があります。 とても良いチャーガ茶に出会えたと感じました☺️

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️リテチャーガの、使った後の出がらしを観葉植物の上にまいてます。 虫が付かないし、カビないし! 土臭くないですよー!! 私だけかなぁ…
Does chaga have a smell or taste?
Chaga is almost tasteless and odorless, making it easier to drink than bancha.
Click here for chaga recipeIf I have any allergies, should I not drink it?
Rite is a special chaga tea made by destroying cells using a patented manufacturing method to fully absorb the natural blessings that are the life force of chaga. Mushroom allergies are rare, but caution is advised as they can cause allergic symptoms of unknown origin. Therefore, I am afraid that people who have symptoms of mushroom allergy should not drink Rite.
Can I drink it while pregnant?
It is safe to drink even if you are pregnant. Please see this page for details on Chaga & Raspberry, recommended for pregnant women (/recipe/herb/rasberry/).